During the PUC meeting Board Member Walker asked Patti Flunker, if she had the document with the 50 names of these so called members who signed this “Rate Payer Representative” form. Their is NO LAW that allows for this, for these “representatives do not represent the WOWSC membership as a whole…. WOWIntegrity are WOWSC rate payers! We elect Board Members to represent us as group, not self appointed representatives”
Additional things to consider….. What did the Rate Appeal Cost the WOWSC members….. the Flunkers have claimed $1.8 million was spent on legal fees…. lets look at the monetary value received:
Total Refunds received : $870,000
Lower Rate Saving: $1,068,400 ($81.87/rate savings)
Legal Spend ($1,800,000)
Total savings $138,499 …… (an approximate number)
Now look at the corporation P/L….. the WOWSC is LOSING $10,000.00 a month! That is $120,000 a year….. what does that say to the $138,499 in savings???? In the saving will be ZERO!
These so called self appointed Rate Payer Representative have done nothing for the community but tear us apart, and spend our MONEY… and continue to do so…
2022 IRS Audit – Member – Alan Hicks – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $15,000
PIA Requests – Danny and Patti Flunker – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $18,000
Rate Payers Interventions: Patti Flunker – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $30,000
The Members should ask for these signatures and see how many would sign up again…. and lets validate those signatures as they have been found to have forged signatures in the past….. check out the Agendas they signed on behalf of Judy Miller
Stop drinking the Rate Payer Representatives Kool-Aid, its toxic and we lose money on every sip!