Land Sale – Offer for a $1,000,000

Does the Membership understand the real reason why the Developer pulled the $1,000,000 offer for YOUR 6.9 acres of land contract back in June? This Land has set vacant for 25 + years while we watched our infrastructure crumb….

We recently read the email the Developer sent to a WOWSC Board Member as to why they they pulled the contract — main reason Danny Flunker. Yep our local investigative reporter (so he claims), the one who takes pictures behind peoples back…. they left the bargaining table because of the likes of him, Patti and Bruce.  WOW a million dollars….. and Mr. Flunker is not even WOWSC Member!

Heck we also reviewed the emails from the Real Estate Agent to both Danny and Bruce….. on how the agent want to meet with each to discuss his sales programs, methods, web site etc etc and of course they both refused. Good community action from both Bruce and Danny…. both of who are not members, and promote the MOST BS!

Again – is Danny or Bruce even members? – We know Bruce was, and our research shows Danny is not.

And Danny your edited videos are NOT investigative journalism.  Investigative Journalist researches ALL sides of the issue and not just one side as you do. Have you ever interviewed, lets say……. a member who has rental property? Former Board Members, current Board Members, the partners of WOWSC-Operations, legal, accounting etc etc, we would conclude you have not. You are like main stream media today…. bias!