Rate Payer Representative…… is that a valid thing??

During the PUC meeting Board Member Walker asked Patti Flunker, if she had the document with the 50 names of these so called members who signed this “Rate Payer Representative” form.  Their is NO LAW that allows for this, for these “representatives do not represent the WOWSC membership as a whole…. WOWIntegrity are WOWSC rate payers! We elect Board Members to represent us as group, not self appointed representatives”

Additional things to consider….. What did the Rate Appeal Cost the WOWSC members….. the Flunkers have  claimed $1.8 million was spent on legal fees…. lets look at the monetary value received:

Total Refunds received :                $870,000

Lower Rate Saving:                        $1,068,400     ($81.87/rate savings)

Legal Spend                                     ($1,800,000)

Total savings                                     $138,499 …… (an approximate number)

Now look at the corporation P/L….. the WOWSC is LOSING $10,000.00 a month!  That is $120,000 a year….. what does that say to the $138,499 in savings???? In the saving will be ZERO!

These so called self appointed Rate Payer Representative have done nothing for the community but tear us apart, and spend our MONEY… and continue to do so…

2022 IRS Audit – Member – Alan Hicks – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $15,000

PIA Requests – Danny and Patti Flunker – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $18,000

Rate Payers Interventions: Patti Flunker – Cost to WOWSC 2024: $30,000

The Members should ask for these signatures and see how many would sign up again…. and lets validate those signatures as they have been found to have forged signatures in the past….. check out the Agendas they signed on behalf of Judy Miller

Stop drinking the Rate Payer Representatives Kool-Aid, its toxic and we lose money on every sip!

Arm Chair Quarterback

Why is Danny Flunker an Arm Chair Quarterback of the WOWSC…. lets see

Definition of:

“someone who offers opinions on leadership without actually being a leader”  

Armchair quarterback syndrome is another term that describes the tendency to over-believe in oneself without the skills or expertise to back it up. This is also known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.”
Those 2 could apply to Danny 
1) Danny was asked to join the WOWSC Board but refused. So instead he sits in the stands and criticizes the players, while spending your money
2) Danny  publishes “Fake News” narratives, to fit his agenda. Look at his YouTube videos…. edited, and full of false narratives
3) Danny complained for years he asked to audit the Lloyd Gosslink invoices – felt they were over billing. When provided with the invoice data, he could not complete this task, without looking at single invoice. His solution – make an excuse and  turned it over to someone else, for it was easier to criticize the work, then do the work. Notice now he wants to review the Carlton law firm invoices…. will he produce the same results for the WOWSC???…. which is nothing
4) Fake news – he publishes narratives on Next Door that are simply not true.  He calls  members Marxist,  shit heads, and make up claims about back door deals, and TOMA violations etc etc all of which are not true
5) He invaded the person space of others taking pictures of personal documents behind peoples back, without their knowledge. Guard your stuff members when he is around, for he will electronically steal it.
Time for the members to realize that this behavior does not benefit the WOWSC in anyway,  and errords the core of this fine community.
Ask yourself, is Danny a “true” WOWSC Member? Does he hold a WOWSC Member Certificate in his name, like we do-we paid alot for that Certificate.  If yes,  we ask Danny to prove it-show us your Certificate. If no,then we ask Danny to stand down, and let the real leaders of the community do their job, and for him to stop spending our money!

Welcome to WowIntegrity

We started WOWIntegrity.com as a way to communicate the facts, set the record straight on misguided personal agendas, and promote the truth within our community.

Webster Definition Integrity:  “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values”

Send us your views, opinions, and what you would like us to investigate to post to: [email protected]

Visit the site on a regular bases and tell you friends!
