Why is that…….

We have 3 different Web site all saying the same thing about certain members of the Community?  Does that not tell you something about these WOWSC Members…. that they are the one causing all the chaos!

What will it take for the community to wake up! Read the comments! These are the ons telling the truth, not “fakenewsflunkers”

spicewood news


friends of windermer

You Plan to Vote Brian out…..

Jose, Julie Neumann and Mark….

Seriously…. you plan  to remove Brian Garceau from the Architecture Committee of the POA?  Because why… he serves on the WOWSC Board? What is wrong with you people.  Mr Garceau  servers the POA and WOWSC board as a volunteer, an honest and trustworthy volunteer. You 3 should be voted off the POA and any committee.

Jose Fuller – Part of the Patti Flunker Kool Aid drinkers… Supported spending $1.8 million dollars in Rate Appeal money for what? Please explain the benefit here Ms Fuller…. if you can…. In the end, the realized benefit will  be zero, check the monetary benefits which are ZERO. Another example of Ms. Fuller lack of water knowledge……  Ms Fuller challenge her Water bill at a recent Board meeting, only to be proven she has one of lowest in the neighbor. WOW Ms. Fuller really go come back.  Ms. Fuller continues to file Member Intervention with the PUC which only cost the MEMBERS money, with zero benefit. Hey Ms. Fuller stand on your own for once, not as Patti Flunkers lacky, which we know you are.

Julie Neumann – The WOWSC Board President caught red handed forging the signatures of the then Secretary/Treasurer on WOWSC Agendas! That is a Fact. Ms. Neumann and Patti Flunker forged their signature. That is a felony crime against an elected official. FACT..  We have the evidence and cover up of the two of them to prove it. But ee guess anything goes if you align with Patti Flunker.  The only reason the Secretary/treasurer did not call the Sheriff, was out of compassion…. each would have lost their jobs if an arrest would have been made, and the Sheriff was ready too… FACT! Maybe we should now contact Law Enforcement and see what happens?  Is that OK Julie and Patti?

Mark Carpenter – The new Flunker Kool Aid drinker…. We watched the Board Meeting tapes…. really….. you think people will be arrested for Board Actions? Get real Mark. If that is  true, why haven’t the same people who you now align,  not arrested or thrown in jail the previous Board Members, they have  talked about for years? Because its all talk.  They claim the previous  Board committed crimes against the WOWSC… so why are they not jail?  Wake up Mark you are smarter then this. Don’t get caught up in being Flunkered.

Grow up people…  look at the facts and fantasy


Patti Flunker costs YOU money….. again

WOWSC members…. do you realize that Patti Flunker is taking your money…. and simply does not care….  Well look at the following, all FACTS.

Rate Appeal – Cost $1,800,000 WOWSC (according to – Danny and Patti) for the Rate Appeal Case all driven by Patti and Jose, and paid for (their part by a 3rd party). Either one of them paid for the Attorney that assisted them. THAT IS A FACT!

IRS Tax Audit Cost WOWSC $19,000.00- Submitted by Member Allen Hicks but driven by Patti Flunker. Check the Board Minutes of several meetings in the past 18 months. Patti says we filed our taxes wrong and she will be contacting the IRS. FACT!  Check the legal and accounting billing for additional proof.

CCN Member Intervention- This has cost the membership $30,000.00+ in legal fees. WOW Patti thank you for that. Again check the legal invoices

Temporary Manager – will cost each member $24/month for what…. them telling us our rates are to low, that we have 13 renters paying for water services vs the actual Member, that we don’t have a Clarifier, that are system is old… WOW – Look at Ms. Flunker standing in front of the PUC celebrating that a Temp Manager will be appointed, at a cost to you of $24/month….  for WHAT??? To tell us what we already know. WAKE UP Members!

Their are many more…. WAKE UP MEMBERS check the facts yoruself, and not Patti Flunker!

THIS IS COSTING YOUR RATES TO GO UP! We thought Patti fought for them to go down?



Legal Cost of Danny and Patt Flunker to the WOWSC and POA Members

We estimate that these 2 have cost the WO-PAO and WOWSC close to $2 million in legal fees over the years…..lets see

Rate Appeal – Both Flunkers have state that the WOWSC had spent over $1.8 million on the Rate Appeal case…….Question….. What were the true financial benefit received  for such a  huge spend??

  1. Members will only receive a total of $890,000 in refunds over the 45 months, while rates will  only be lower for 12 months, then will increase significantly  in 2025, 2026 and 2027… in the end this will only generate a member saving of $718/member
  2. Member will be paying a Legal Surcharge of $39.21/month/45 months  ($478,000)…. or cost each member $1741/member in total……..
  3. The WOWSC only received a $38,000 from the civil case, which cost you over $230k to defend or $718/member less the $136/member from the Settlement

Other legal action that shows ZERO/LOSS in beefits

  1. Those 2  caused a $14,000+ legal/accounting spending on an IRS audit that will produce nothing. Source Carlton  Legal Invoices available online for review.   Alan  Hicks should be paying this bill….. for he initiated this Audit – with Ms. Flunkers help…. don’t you remember in the Board meeting where Mr. Flunker stood up and said ” I will be contacting the IRS, about our Tax filings”…. she made Alan Hicks put his name to it, leaving him holding the bag.  All of this without Member approval. This cost you  $50/member… thanks Alan
  2. The legal spend on PIA – Public Information Requests…. over 80% of the current Legal costs on PIA requests can be directly contributed to both of them  – Source Carlton  Legal Invoices available online for review. This cost you $68/member
  3. Member Interventions – Who gave Ms. Flunker the right to intervene on PUC dockets without an overall member approval? She claims to be a Rate Payer Representative…. but we never gave her the right to spend our money because she does not like a Board or PUC outcome/ruling. One intervention alone with cost you $29,000 in legal fees or $104/member
  4. In late 2023, the WOWSC spent $25,000 on a Removal Petition initiated by Ms Patti Flunker on a false narrative that simply did not work. This cost you $89/member. Source Legal Records from LG and Frank Reilly
  5. The  2 POA law suits that were caused by the actions of Danny Flunker costs the POA members about $110/member . Source – Legal Defendent costs and out comes

In 45 months each member will have  paid an additional $1,918.00/member in legal fees, filings and PUC orders! That is above and beyond what your Water/Sewer rates are. I have better thing to do with my money then fund bad lawsuits, filings, and BS from the Flunkers

The list can go on…. but more importantly…. when does it stop Danny and Patti


The lies of Danny Flunker

We competed an extensive review and research of Danny Flunkers comments and statements, using documents obtain from the Website, PIA requests, watching the meeting videos, and personal interviews

  1. Mr. Flunker called Mr. Garceau a Maxest  and when asked what a Maxest was Mr. Flunker could not answer. Mr. Flunker LIED to the member
  2. Legal Spend was all Walkers fault…. Mr. Flunker LIED. Legal specd was from IRS Audit (All Hicks initiated), PIA requests – Flunkers/Gimenez, Members Interventions – Patti Flunker. Check the Legal invoices found  online, they are very detailed.
  3. Ms. Flunker claims that the following board member resigned  because of Mr. Walker                                                                                                                                      a) Jeff Anderson – resigned due to location and availability. Ask him, because we did                                                                                                                                 b) Judy Miller – Ms. Miller was Secretary/Treasurer at that time, and resigned because Patti Flunker and Julie Neumann forged her signature on a WOWSC  agenda and then lied about it. That is a felony. Plus  she was not going to  be “Flunkered” on Next Door. Ask her we did                                               c) Dorothy Taylor – NEVER applied for re-election . Fact check  the Election of 2/24/24                                                                                                                                        d)  Renee fFrench – Left for health reason, and did not want to be Flunkered. Again ask him, we did                                                                                                                 e)  Julie Neumann – Resigned because she got caught forging the Signature of Judy Miller and was the Puppet of Patti Flunker. Check the PIA requests for the forgery                                                                                                                                 f) Patti Flunker – Conflict of Interest with Rate Appeal, IRS Audit, and was caught forging agenda documents. Fact – again check the PIA records               g) Richard Schaefer – Chose not to run for re-election… Danny didn’t you on one or more occasions ask Richard to resign at Board Meetings? And when he resigns you blame another person. Again another LIE
  4. 1,000,000 Water loss. This one took some research, and in the end Walker was not responsible. Several facts Danny fails to mention                                                           a) Richard Shaeffer was the President of the Board during this loss                     b) Spectrum/Enen used approximately 130,000 gallons for the fiber project of which they paid WOWSC for that water                                                                 c) 3 major water line breaks/leaks happened during the freeze in January of 2023. With the water lose and line flush it was extensive. Sienviro confirmed this, and is well documented. AGAIN a Flunker LIE

Agendas = WOWSC vs POA

At the last Board Meeting, several of the members brought up why the WOWSC Board has the agendas reviewed by the Legal Team….. we reached out to the Board and legal staff for some answers.

  1. It states in the Legal Engagement Agreement with the Carlton Group that we are required to have reviewed ….. why BECAUSE IT PROTECTS THE CORPORATION from any and all TOMA violations! Doesn’t the Membership recall the meetings back in 2018 about land sales and how it was’nt posted correctly blah blah blah…. well this can protect us.  FYI Julie Neumann – President at the time signed the Engagement letter…. if she had a problem with that clause (as well as Board member Patti flunker time why did they not address it then? Its only now that are addressing.  We also learned that they each reached out to Griffith and Davison another law firm for advise on agendas…… They also have an outstanding invoice with that firm of $3,000.00 which they need to pay, since Griffith and Davison was NOT an authorized (Board approved) legal contractor
  2. The WOWSC is a State regulated body…. vs the PUC, which means WE must follow TOMA guidelines. The POA is NOT state regulated, the POA is not subject to TOMA      “TOMA does not directly apply to Homeowners Associations (HOAs) or Condominium Owners Associations (COAs) in Texas. These entities are considered private organizations; thus, they are not bound by the same requirements that govern public entities under TOMA”

Since the WOWSC is under TOMA its best to insure that our Agendas are solid. Again ask the Legal team why they put that in the Letter of Engagement… to protect us from TOMA violations. Also who many times have your heard the Flunkers say …. TOMA violations TOMA violations, and Patti Flunker (not a Lawyer) challenge our Lawyers – a team who went to law school, passed the bar and has practiced law for 30 plus years

3. From our analysis the Agenda review average about $60. Remember what the Rate Appeal law suit cost us $1.8 million,,,,,  most of which came down to TOMA violations….. heck Danny even calls his entity – TOMA Integrity, should be know “Has no integrity”.

Keep up the good work WOWSC Board – Lots of TOMA threats by no actions, its because we have our Legal team at our 6

Danny Flunker – Now its Fake Text Messages

Danny Flunker…… is now claiming threatening text messages are being sent to him from a WOWSC Member….. did you watch the last Board meeting video… you should look at yourself Danny threatening other members, the board, society in general. The only threat in the community is you and the  Fake News you spread….. I want one of those tee shirts we have seen around the airport — FakeNewsFlunker.com

Land Sale – Offer for a $1,000,000

Does the Membership understand the real reason why the Developer pulled the $1,000,000 offer for YOUR 6.9 acres of land contract back in June? This Land has set vacant for 25 + years while we watched our infrastructure crumb….

We recently read the email the Developer sent to a WOWSC Board Member as to why they they pulled the contract — main reason Danny Flunker. Yep our local investigative reporter (so he claims), the one who takes pictures behind peoples back…. they left the bargaining table because of the likes of him, Patti and Bruce.  WOW a million dollars….. and Mr. Flunker is not even WOWSC Member!

Heck we also reviewed the emails from the Real Estate Agent to both Danny and Bruce….. on how the agent want to meet with each to discuss his sales programs, methods, web site etc etc and of course they both refused. Good community action from both Bruce and Danny…. both of who are not members, and promote the MOST BS!

Again – is Danny or Bruce even members? – We know Bruce was, and our research shows Danny is not.

And Danny your edited videos are NOT investigative journalism.  Investigative Journalist researches ALL sides of the issue and not just one side as you do. Have you ever interviewed, lets say……. a member who has rental property? Former Board Members, current Board Members, the partners of WOWSC-Operations, legal, accounting etc etc, we would conclude you have not. You are like main stream media today…. bias!